Create a matrix input field
Use this function to create a matrix input field. Typically this would be in the `ui.R` file of your shiny application. You can access the input via the `input$inputId` in the server function of the shiny application. The value will always be a matrix and contain values of class `class`.
- inputId
The input slot that will be used to access the value
- label
label for input field
- value
Initial value. Should be a matrix
- inputClass
class of the matrix input html element
- rows
list of options to configure rows
- cols
list of options to configure cols
- cells
list of options to configure cells
- class
Matrix will be coerced to a matrix of this class. `character` and `numeric` are supported
- paste
old argument
- copy
old argument
- copyDoubleClick
old argument
- pagination
Use pagination to display matrix
- lazy
lazy updating of server values. The new values are only sent to the server when no input field is visible
- formatCell
format to be used for formatting cell values, i.e. ".2f" . This uses d3-format (
The parameters `rows` and `cols` take a list of arguments. Currently, the following arguments are supported:
- n
number of rows (is calculated from value as default)
- names
should row/colnames be displayed? The names are taken from value
- editableNames
should row/colnames be editable
- extend
Should the matrix be extended if data is entered in the last row/column?
- delta
how many blank rows/cols should be added?
- createHeader, updateHeader
name of javascript function to override default function to create/update table header. The function needs to have the table element and the data object as argument
- getHeader
same as createHeader but with table element as only argument
Similarly, the parameter `cells` takes a list of arguments:
- editableCells
logical, should cells be editable (default `TRUE`)
value = diag(3),
rows = list(names = FALSE),
cols = list(names = FALSE),
cells = list(editableCells = FALSE)
#> <div class="form-group shiny-matrix-input-container shiny-input-container-inline shiny-input-container">
#> <div id="myMatrix" class="vue-input " data-values="[[1,0,0],[0,1,0],[0,0,1]]" data-rownames="["","",""]" data-colnames="["","",""]" data-rows="{"names":false,"editableNames":false,"extend":false,"delta":1}" data-cols="{"names":false,"editableNames":false,"extend":false,"delta":1}" data-cells="{"editableCells":false}" data-class="["character"]" data-pagination="false" data-lazy="false">
#> <div class="vue-element"></div>
#> </div>
#> </div>